How long do skateboard trucks last: useful tips for the correct use of the skateboard

How long do skateboard trucks last: Best Useful Tips Skateboarding

One of the most concerning questions for skaters is: how long do skateboard trucks last? It is very important as skateboard trucks are an essential part of a skateboard that connects skateboard wheels to a deck. We are going to discuss in this article how often skateboard trucks should be replaced.

Importance of skateboard trucks

Skateboard trucks are skate tools that connect a deck to wheels. The speed, durability, and movement of a skate directly depend on trucks. There are 2 of them for each board. They need to be reliable, and clean without damage to skate-free and safe.

Skateboard trucks usually last from 2 to 5 years depending on how many times a skateboard was ridden daily. The way of using it also impacts the quality of skateboard trucks. If you ride aggressively, they will wear out in a short period. So you need to control your riding style to avoid soon wear down.

Production is the next factor in the duration of skateboard trucks. It is important to buy quality trucks and take care of skateboard regularly.

Importance of skateboard deck

A board deck is considered to be the most expensive part. Without a deck, there is no skateboard. The board’s surface of it should be smooth and comfortable to ride to avoid injuries and breaking.

How long do skateboard decks last? Depending on the material, thickness, and frequency of skating they last from 2 weeks to 5 months. The thicker the deck is, the more its life expectancy. Below are some important tips to keep a board safe.

Stay away from water

Decks are made of wood that can be deteriorated under wet conditions. If it gets wet from the rain, try to dry it as soon as possible.

Take care of your board

It is crucial to maintain the conditions of a deck and fix all incurred damages.

Importance of skateboard wheels

The condition of the wheels determines the speed and style of a skateboard. That is why they are influenced by the frequency of riding and the way of using a board. Load affects them too so you should consider it as well. Usually, wheels last from 3 months to 1 year depending on the factors above.

High-quality wheels provide your skateboard with speed and longevity. You can also establish axle nuts to prevent instability and make tighter trucks. This will be safer.

Importance of skateboard bearings

Bearings are a circle-shaped small skate tool with a hole in the center that makes wheels rotate faster and smoother increasing the speed and decreasing friction. They have the same size and are made of steel and ceramic. There are 2 bearings attached to each wheel.

If wheels do not roll appropriately, you need to clean and grease them often because longboard bearings absorb dirt from the ground. With proper care, they last more than a year. Do not try to clean longboard bearings with water. Instead, use a special cleaning kit or spray.

Maintenance of skateboard trucks

You should avoid water because it harms not only the deck and wheels but skateboard trucks as well. Though they are made of metal, trucks are vulnerable to water. So before skating take into consideration the weather to avoid damage to a skateboard truck.

It is necessary to clean trucks regularly from dust and dirt. Lubrication of the pivot cup is important too to move smoothly.

Do not ride on rough surfaces which can break completely short and long skateboard trucks. Smooth surfaces are much better for your skateboard and less dangerous. Though you should always wear safety gear when you ride.

If you notice some damages after a ride, immediately fix or replace the parts.

Proper maintenance is a key to success in skateboard life. If you follow the rules, your skateboard will serve you for a long time.

Replacement of skateboard trucks

How do I know when I need a new truck? This is a question that concerns most skaters. Though it is the most lasting part of a board, time by time they have to be replaced. There are a few signs below which tell you that you need new trucks.

First of all, if you find huge damages and bent axles in your skateboard trucks, they need to be replaced. They show that trucks are not useful anymore.

Second of all, if longboard trucks do not function appropriately, they need to be replaced. You have to feel comfortable as usual when you are riding. However, if you feel different, you need to inspect trucks and longboard bearings.

Finally, extraordinary noise indicates that with trucks something is wrong. Skateboard should run smoothly and quietly, but if you hear irritating sounds from it, then replace your skateboard trucks.

Local skate shop

To replace trucks you can go to a local skate shop, where you can buy any board parts and adjustments you want. There you also can take consultation on your questions. Professionals will help you.

Loose trucks or tight?

Skateboard trucks loosen over time and it is an ordinary phenomenon. Some skaters choose their trucks to be loose as it allows them to turn and grind quickly.

Though it is very hard to control a skateboard if its trucks are too loose. That is why most beginners prefer to tighten their trucks as it makes skateboarding more stable and balanced. This is the safest way while you are skating.

From another perspective, too-tight trucks make skating more difficult. You can not feel free and need to put more effort to make turns and tricks. If it is inconvenient, then you should loosen trucks.

You may consider recommendations of skaters. In their opinion, for street skating, loose trucks are preferable as it is more controllable and perfect for flat surfaces.

There are many suggestions from different skaters. However, you should try yourself and find suitable tightness for you. It depends on your skills and needs.


1. Do skateboard trucks wear out?

Definitely yes. Over time every part of a board starts to get deteriorated and should be placed. You can prolong the life of your trucks by following tips so they could last from 2-5 years instead of 6 months.

2. How long do skateboards last for pros?

As we know professional skaters ride every day using many styles of skate park. If they maintain each part of the skateboard, it will last for a couple of years. Otherwise, it will be useless after 5 months.

3. How long do skateboard bearings last?

With proper maintenance, this tool can last over a year. Check them after riding by removing them from the wheels.

4. Do skateboards lose their pop?

Pop is the action when a tail of a board pulls off the ground to bounce and make a jump. It is more like a technic when it comes to skateboarding. So skateboards lose their pops over time because of wear and tear. You can compare this situation with a brand-new ball and a 2-year-old ball. The difference is huge. The reason for losing pop is deck’s wood deteriorates after a lot of lands and jumps.

5. How often should you replace trucks on a skateboard?

As we discussed before, if you notice damages on trucks, or feel uncomfortable and hear extraordinary noise, you should replace them. The frequency of truck replacement depends on how much you take care of your skateboard.

If you regularly clean and oil, bearings and skateboard trucks will last 2-5 years. Otherwise, you will replace them every 2-5 months.

6. Does water ruin skateboard trucks?

Skateboard trucks are the most water-resistant part of a skateboard because they are made of metal. However, it does not mean that you can leave them wet.

Trucks can withstand water for some time, but in case they get underwater too many times they will get rust. So if trucks get wet, you need to dry them as soon as possible.


There are 2 to 5 years is the answer to the question ‘how long do skateboard trucks last‘ with regular maintenance. It also depends on the way a skateboard is used. On the other hand, riding aggressively and not caring reduce the life span of trucks to 6 months.

Each part of a skateboard should be cleaned of dirt and dust after every run to keep them in a good condition. Oiling trucks, bearings, and axles are important to ride smoothly and avoid dangers.

Look at your trucks for serious damages, bent axles, noise, and misfunctioning. If you figure out any of them, try to replace trucks. Be cautious of rough surfaces and obstacles to avoid large and small cracks.

Keep your board away from water. Every single part of a skateboard, including trucks, is vulnerable to water and can be rusted. Once they get wet, dry in air in a warm environment.

Time by time trucks get loose, but it is not a tragedy. For many skaters, it is comfortable to loosen trucks, whereas beginners prefer to tighten them. Bear in mind that both conditions have their advantages and disadvantages.

That is why you should choose and establish the level of tightness relying on your skills and preferences. Do not forget about other parts such as wheels, bearings, and decks. They are as important as skateboard trucks. You need to care about them as well to increase the life of your skateboard

Follow all tips and rules and try to not break them. We hope our instructions and all information collected in this article will help your skateboard trucks last as much as possible and enjoy skating.

Read also: What is a skateboard wheel bite? Reasons to happen

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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