How many calories does longboarding burn: calorie burn explained

How Many Calories Does Longboarding Burn: Best Helpful Guide Longboarding

Longboarding, a thrilling and dynamic sport, has gained significant attention in recent years.

In this article, we will answer the question “Is longboarding good exercise?”, and explore how longboarding can be an effective means of exercise and calorie burn, highlighting the health and fitness benefits it offers.

how many calories does longboarding burn
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The mechanics of calorie burning and weight loss

In this section, we will delve into the mechanics of the process of burning calories and explore the connection between longboarding and energy expenditure.

Basics of burning calories and physical activity

Calories are units of energy, and they are expended when our bodies perform physical activities. When we engage in exercise or any form of physical effort, our muscles require energy to function, and this energy comes from the calories we consume through food.

The fundamental principle is that the more physically active we are, the more calories we burn.

Longboarding helps in losing weight and staying active and, along with a healthy diet and adequate amount of sleep, contributes to overall fitness.

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Factors influencing calorie expenditure

Weight: the amount of calories burned during an activity is influenced by a person’s weight. Typically, individuals with higher body weights lose weight much faster than those with lower weights when engaging in the same activity. This is because more weight requires more energy to move.

Speed: the speed at which you ride a longboard plays a significant role in calorie expenditure. Higher speeds require greater effort and energy, resulting in more calories burned during your ride.

Terrain: the type of terrain you traverse on your longboard also affects calorie consumption. Riding on flat surfaces demands less energy compared to uphill climbs or downhill descents. Uphill rides are particularly strenuous, helping you to lose weight and burn fat much faster due to the increased effort required to ascend.

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Estimating calorie burn

Remember that these estimates and tracking methods provide a general idea of your calorie expenditure and can help you set and achieve your fitness goals while enjoying the exhilarating sport of longboarding.

The general formula for estimating calorie burn

To estimate the number of calories you’ve burned during physical activities, you can find a calorie calculator

 or use a general formula that takes into account several factors:

Calories burned = (MET value) x (your weight) x (duration)

MET value: the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) represents the intensity of the activity. Each activity is assigned a specific MET value, indicating how much energy is expended per minute of that activity.

The MET value for longboarding can vary based on factors like speed and terrain.

Weight: you should take your body weight in kilograms to use in this formula.

Duration: the amount of time spent engaged in the activity is another variable. In this formula, it’s measured in hours.

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How many calories can you burn skateboarding?

Estimated calorie burn during longboarding can vary depending on the style and intensity of the ride. Here’s a rough range of how many calories you may burn skateboarding per hour in different longboarding styles:

  • Casual cruising: 250-350 (less calories per hour than other styles)
  • Freestyle and tricks: 350-450 calories
  • Downhill racing: 450-600+ calories per hour (depending on speed and terrain)
  • Long-distance pushing: 350-500 calories

Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and can vary based on factors like your weight, riding speed, and the terrain you encounter.

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Tracking and monitoring calorie expenditure

If you want to keep track of how effectively you burn calories and lose weight during longboarding, there are several methods you can use:

  • Wearable fitness trackers: devices like fitness bands or smartwatches often include features to monitor your activity and estimate calorie burn.
  • Smartphone apps: many fitness apps are available for smartphones that can track your rides, estimate calorie burn, and provide insights into your performance.
  • Dedicated sports watches: some sports watches are designed specifically for tracking various activities, including longboarding. They can provide detailed information on your workouts.
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Factors affecting calorie burn

Longboarding is a good exercise for weight loss and a versatile sport for everyone, and the number of calories burned during a ride can vary significantly depending on a range of factors. Understanding these variables is key to maximizing losing weight and the benefits of your longboarding sessions.

Different longboarding styles

Longboarding encompasses various styles, from leisurely cruising to adrenaline-pumping downhill racing and skillful freestyle tricks. Each style demands a different level of effort and skill, resulting in varying levels of calorie burn:

  • Casual cruising: relatively relaxed rides on flat terrain typically burn fewer calories, making it an excellent choice for beginners or those looking for a low-intensity workout.
  • Freestyle and tricks: performing tricks and maneuvers increases the intensity of the ride, leading to a higher calorie burn.
  • Downhill racing: racing down steep slopes at high speeds requires intense effort and concentration, making it one of the most calorie-demanding longboarding styles.

Impact of speed, intensity, and duration

Speed: the speed at which you travel on your longboard has a direct impact on calorie expenditure. Faster speeds require more energy and result in a higher calorie burn.

Intensity: the intensity of your ride is closely tied to the style of longboarding. More intense activities, such as downhill racing or performing advanced tricks, burn more calories compared to leisurely rides.

Duration: the longer you engage in longboarding, the more calories you’ll burn. Extended sessions can significantly increase your overall calorie expenditure.

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Importance of body weight and fitness level

Body weight: your body weight plays a significant role in calorie burn during longboarding. Heavier individuals typically burn more calories than lighter individuals when engaging in the same activity.

Fitness level: your level of fitness also affects the weight loss and how many calories you burn skateboarding. A well-conditioned longboarder with a healthy diet may have a more efficient cardiovascular system, which can influence calorie expenditure.

Regular longboarding can improve your fitness over time, allowing you to burn the same amount of calories with less effort.

These factors collectively influence the calorie burn during longboarding, making it a dynamic and customizable form of exercise that caters to a wide range of preferences and fitness levels. Whether you prefer a leisurely ride through the city or an intense downhill race, longboarding offers a unique and enjoyable way to burn calories and lose weight.

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Comparing longboarding to other activities

Longboarding is not only a thrilling way to stay active but also a unique form of exercise that offers a range of benefits. In this section, we’ll compare the calorie burn of longboarding to other popular activities and highlight the advantages that make longboarding an attractive option for those seeking an enjoyable way to stay active.

Calorie burn compared to other activities

Running: longboarding can offer a calorie burn similar to running, especially during intense sessions like downhill racing. However, it’s often considered a lower-impact alternative that’s gentler on the joints.

Cycling: cycling and longboarding share similarities in calorie burn, with the specific numbers varying based on factors like speed and terrain. Longboarding offers the advantage of being more portable and compact.

Walking: longboarding typically is more active than casual walking, making it a more efficient choice for those looking to elevate their workouts.

Gym workouts: while longboarding may not offer the same precise control over intensity as gym workouts, it provides an engaging and dynamic outdoor experience that can be more enjoyable for many individuals.

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Advantages of longboarding for enjoyable activity

Adventure and exploration: longboarding offers the unique advantage of exploring your surroundings while staying active. It’s an excellent way to discover new places, from urban landscapes to scenic coastal routes.

Community and social interaction: longboarding often brings people together, creating a sense of community among riders.

Group rides and events can enhance the social aspect of staying active.

Variety of styles: with a range of longboarding styles available, you can choose the one that suits your preferences and goals. Whether you seek relaxation, thrills, or a mix of both, longboarding has something to offer.

Low impact: longboarding as a great workout is generally easier on the joints compared to high-impact activities like running, making it accessible to a broader range of individuals. This cardio exercise can even lower your blood pressure, among other health benefits.

Outdoor engagement: longboarding encourages outdoor engagement and recreational activity, allowing you to enjoy fresh air and natural surroundings, which can be invigorating and refreshing. It’s practically the best workout for improving mental health.

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Although longboarding can help you lose weight, its appeal goes beyond just burning fat; it’s an immersive and enjoyable way to maintain an active lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone new to exercise, longboarding is a good cardio exercise, and it offers a captivating and versatile approach to fitness and exploration.


Is longboarding a full body workout?

Longboarding primarily focuses on stabilizing muscles of the lower body, including the legs and core muscles, as it requires balance, coordination, and leg strength. While it’s not a full-body workout in the same way that activities like swimming or rowing engage the entire body, longboarding can also provide some upper-body benefits, especially when you use your arms for balance and stability.

So, while it may not be a comprehensive full-body workout, it’s a great way to target and tone your lower body muscles. It can indeed help you lose weight.

How many calories does 30 minutes of skateboarding burn?

The number of calories burned during 30 minutes of skateboarding, including longboarding, varies based on several factors such as your weight, speed, intensity, and the terrain you’re riding on. Usually, a 175-pound average person burns approximately 150-250 calories per half-hour skateboarding.

However, these numbers can fluctuate significantly, and high-intensity activities like downhill longboarding burns calories faster than chill styles.

What does longboarding workout?

Longboarding works out leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), and core muscles, enhances cardiovascular fitness, improves coordination and balance skills, and helps to lose weight.

Why am I sore after longboarding?

Soreness after longboarding is typically due to the use of core muscles that may not be accustomed to the specific movements and demands of longboarding. It’s common for beginners to experience muscle soreness in their legs, especially in the quadriceps and calf muscles, besides the core muscles.

This soreness is often referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and usually subsides as your body adapts to the activity. It’s essential to start slowly, stretch before and after riding, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your rides to minimize soreness.

Can I longboard if I’m fat?

Yes, longboarding can be enjoyed by individuals of different body types. Ensure the board’s weight capacity suits you, select a stable deck, wear safety gear, and consult a professional if you have concerns about such activities.

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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