How to install skateboard bearings? We have the answer

how to install skateboard bearings - top 3 tips Wheels

Every skateboarder should know how to install new skateboard bearings and how to replace old bearings. It may seem like a hard task, but it’s really simple.

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You can do it using only one skate tool.

There are a lot of reasons why people replace skateboard bearings, for example: if bearings are broken or cleaning them no longer gives them an extra boost.

You need bearings to allow the wheels of the board to roll and rotate smoothly.

Every wheel of the skateboard requires 2 bearings each, so you need eight bearings to attach the wheel and the board.

Read the detailed guide about installing and replacing bearings in our article!

List of necessary tools

  1. Skateboard truck axle
  2. Skating tool or 5/16″ socket wrench
  3. Skateboard wheels
  4. Skateboard bearings
  5. Spacers and Speed Rings. Optional but strongly recommended

Removing old bearings

Of course, before installing new bearings you should remove the old ones. Here is a step-by-step guide to it:

Step 1

Before starting the process, you should have a skate tool or a wrench with a diameter of 0,5 inches ready in your hand. Use it to remove all four of the axle nuts. Be careful while removing your axle nuts not to lose any of the washers in the process.


These little washers stop the friction between your truck hanger and the bearings.

When the nylon lock nuts are unscrewed, remove the washers as well. Once all axle nuts and washers are removed, put them in a safe place like a container or plastic bag.

Step 2

The wheels should be slowly extended to the middle of the truck axle.


From here, you can use the lever from the axle nut to gently lower the wheel down and pull out the first bearing.

Step 3

Repeat these steps for other wheels.


Important: Sometimes bearings have plastic spacers between them. If your bearings have them, set bearings aside with your axle nuts and washers.

Now, when old bearings are finally removed, you can install bearings by following the next steps.

Installing new bearings

You can easily install bearings by following the next steps:

Step 1

First of all, you need to place your wheels on a flat surface and put the first bearing into bearing seating. If there is a shield only on one side, make sure that the bearing shields face the outside.


Most bearings will have a clear side and a colored side. If your new bearings have a clear side, then you need to put that side on the inside of the wheels.


Push the bearings into place with the bearing press on your skating tool if you have it. Also, you can press the bearing into the skateboard wheel using the axle bolt on your truck, if you don’t have a skating tool.

Step 2

Now, when you are done with your first bearing, you need to add a spacer into the middle of your bearings.


The spacer helps stop the damage from jarring when you’re not skateboarding.


Now, add other bearing on the other side of the wheel.

Step 3

After adding a second bearing, repeat this step for all the bearings and wheels.

Step 4

Now, put a washer onto your trucks, followed by the skateboard wheel, and then do the same with another washer.


Then you need to put on the axle nut and tighten it just enough so that your wheel doesn’t move up and down on the axle, and can spin freely.


If you are not sure about how to tighten your wheels, just simply tighten the axle bolts all the way and then turn them back by a half-turn. Do this on all four wheels.

Something you should know

If you are going to install new trucks, remove one of the two-speed rings (small washers) from the axle of the truck. The speed ring is also a very important part of installing a new bearing.

If you do not have these tiny metal rings on the truck axle, place the following on the truck axle, in the next order:

  1. Speed ring
  2. Bearing
  3. Bearing spacer
  4. Bearing

Best bearings for your skateboard

Of course, there are a lot of good and not expensive bearings, but sometimes it is still hard to find something suitable for your skateboard.

Sometimes even good bearings can’t guarantee you a smooth spin for all eight bearings.

Here is a list of skateboard bearings that we recommend you use:

Bones Swiss Ceramics Bearings


  1. Pre-lubricated
  2. Doesn’t make any noise
  3. Provides a smoother and faster ride


  1. May be too expensive for some skaters

Bronson G3 Single Set


  1. Pre-lubricated
  2. Goes with washers
  3. Smooth and quiet rolling


  1. It has limited functions

Yellow Jacket Premium


  1. High speed
  2. Unique design
  3. Money back guarantee
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  1. Make noises

These bearings are nice to use for your skateboard experience.


Which side of the bearing faces out?

There is one general rule about it. A colored shield of bearing should face out.

But sometimes bearings come with both of their sides colored. In that case, you should listen to an expert’s opinion.

Which way do you put skateboard bearings?

The deep shoulder side, stamped with the bearing number and other data, is designated as the “back” side. This is the side that should be put in, and should not face out.

How do you put skateboard bearings together?

To do this, you need to follow the steps written in our article. Before putting your bearings into the skateboard wheels, you need to carefully remove the old ones and then also carefully insert the new ones.

This should be done carefully and with the use of special tools (which can sometimes be replaced with something simpler).

How do you know which bearing is right?

When choosing a bearing, you must consider several important factors. The first factor to consider is the load that the bearing can support.

Another element that should be considered is rotation speed.

Also, you should consider such as a sealing system, bearing life, rigidity, and precision.

Can I install wheel bearings myself?

Yes, you can easily do it at home. Even though many people think this task is almost impossible, you can install it by following the steps given in our article.


So, our little article is coming to an end. We hope that you were able to get the desired information and found answers to your questions. We talked about how to remove damaged and worn bearings and how to install skateboard bearings in our article.

Also, we have listed several good-bearing brands as our recommendations.

We sincerely hope that your installation of bearings was successful and now you can go on a long-awaited ride on your skateboard with peace of mind.

Good luck!

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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