Skateboarding for weight loss: for and against!

skateboarding for weight loss - 3 top tips Skateboarding

Do you know that feeling when you finally find the perfect workout program to lose weight? The one that’s fun, challenging, and makes you feel like a badass while burning calories? That’s how we feel about skateboarding.

Skateboarding is a great way to lose weight, and it’s beginner-friendly, too. You don’t need any special equipment or experience to start skateboarding—just a street, park, or boardwalk and some determination.

Skating is a full-body workout that can help you lose weight and builds muscle, for example, calf muscles & hamstring muscles, and other muscles.

In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of riding a skateboard for weight loss, and we’ll share some tips to help you get started.

Benefits of riding a skateboard for weight loss

You might be wondering if skateboarding can help you lose weight. The answer is yes! Skateboarding is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. The average person can burn skateboarding up to 400 calories per hour skating and lose belly fat.


Skating is a recreational activity that helps improve flexibility, agility, and balance. It also helps increase your heart rate, get your blood pumping, and improves your muscle memory. This, in turn, helps burn calories and lose poundage.

However, it’s important to note that heavy skaters have a higher risk of injury. So if you’re looking to lose weight, be sure to skate safely and cautiously.

Calories burned per hour of skateboarding

How many calories can one burn skateboarding? Now that we know skateboarding is a great workout that can help you lose poundage, how many calories does it burn? An hour skateboarding burns about 400 calories of body fat on average.

This number can vary depending on your entire body weight and how vigorously you skate. Heavier people tend to burn more calories but are also at a higher risk for injury.

Skateboarding is an excellent way to burn calories and help with weight loss. Just be sure to stay safe while you’re shredding the streets!

Risk of injury when riding a skateboard for weight loss

Just like with any other form of exercise, there is always a risk of injury when riding a skateboard for weight loss.

This is especially true if you’re skating aggressively or trying to do tricks that you’re not quite ready for, even some basic tricks can be dangerous.

Skating can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to be aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions to avoid injuries.

If you’re new to skateboarding, start by skating slowly and gradually increase your speed as you get more comfortable.

And if you’re ever feeling sore or tired, take a break and rest up before continuing. Remember to always wear protective gear, including a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads.

And if you’re skating in an area that’s unfamiliar to you, be sure to take a look at the terrain beforehand and make sure there are no obstacles or hazards that could cause you to trip or fall.

Skateboarding exercises to target specific muscle group

When skateboarding, you can target a specific muscle group and maximize your fat-burning result. Simple exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups while skating can help you tone your arms, abs, and legs.

Doing squats while skating is one of the best skateboarding exercises to quickly build leg muscles. Skateboarding also helps in improving core strength, as you need to constantly balance yourself while performing tricks.

Performing ollies can help in toning the abdominal muscles. Even if you’re not accomplishing tricks, pushing with one foot through the skateboard while standing still helps in tightening leg muscles.

The more vigorously you skateboard, the higher intensity of exercise is and the better results it will yield for weight loss.

For example; if you are a heavy skater, doing intense tricks or pushing hard on the board will result in greater calorie burn and higher muscle building than a light skater pushing leisurely on their board.

Best skateboards for losing weight

In the skateboard world, there are many different varieties of skateboards that make effective workout tools for weight loss. Depending on your weight and skill level, you’ll want to pick a skateboard that fits you best.


For example, a longboard is ideal for heavier skaters because of its larger surface area, which makes it more stable and comfortable to ride.

A shortboard is best suited for lighter-weight skaters who want to perform tricks and practice ollies. Both boards offer great calorie-burning potential and can be used to get into shape.

Other boards such as cruisers are good all-rounders that can be used in a variety of ways, from cruising around town to taking on ramps. You may also burn more or fewer calories depending on the condition of your wheels and bearings.

When choosing your board, make sure you consider the type of riding you plan on doing; this will help you determine what kind of deck size, shape, and construction material will suit your needs best.

Ultimately, the best way to decide is by trying out different boards for yourself and seeing which one feels the most comfortable for you!

Tips for safe weight loss through skateboarding

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way that burns calories and optimizes your physical health through riding a skateboard regularly, here are some tips:

  • Start slow. Don’t attempt to do too much, too soon. Your body needs to warm up and adjust to the new activity. Don’t be discouraged if your progress is slow; focus on proper form, safety, and comfort.
  • Vary your terrain. Mix up the surfaces you skate on for a more enjoyable experience as well as for an effective calorie burn. Try skate parks with ramps and transitions, curbs, stairs, and rails—This can help take your session to the next level.
  • Drink lots of water while skating. Staying hydrated will keep you energized and safe while pushing yourself harder each session.
  • Take breaks often, so you don’t overdo it—Your body needs time to rest and recover between sessions.
  • Be mindful of your nutrition and calorie intake. To eat healthy whole foods at regular intervals can help ensure that you’re getting the nutrients your body requires for maximum performance on the board as well as for weight loss success!
  • Stay active and keep a track of burned calories regularly, stay away from fast food as it will gain your poundage immediately.

Different skateboarding tricks and postures that aid in weight loss

If you’re looking for ways to get your skateboard to help you in your weight loss journey, a few tricks can help.

Doing ditches and kickflips are great moves to burn calories since they use both of your legs! Even something as simple as a nose manual can give you an upper body workout that helps build muscle.

Try standing on your board in different postures such as the wide stance or creating tight and dynamic turns. These postures target different muscles and allow you to burn more calories while having fun.

Additionally, skateboarding up hills or going off surfaces like curbs and stairs provides resistance which aids in weight loss too.

Finally, don’t forget that for optimal results, combine skateboarding with a healthy diet plan, which will give you the best results! With these tips, it’s time to get out there and shred off those extra pounds!

Exercises to strengthen core muscles and improve balance while skateboarding

Skateboarding is an excellent workout to lose weight that requires strength and stamina to keep you stable while doing tricks.

Exercises such as planks, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats can help build the muscles necessary for skateboarding. These exercises can also be done outside of skate parks if you don’t have access to a skate ramp.

If you frequently find yourself falling off your board, strengthen your leg muscles with calf raises, leg extensions, and lunges. This will help improve your balance while skating.

A strong core helps maintain control while completing tricks or a series of tricks. Improve your balance by performing balancing poses like the tree pose and the warrior 2 poses.

Don’t forget to take some time each session to stretch properly before skating, as tight muscles can lead to injury and poor performance in the skatepark.

Doing yoga or Pilates is also excellent for improving balance and flexibility for better skateboarding performance, or just improving general well-being!

Benefits of skateboarding compared to other exercises for weight loss

Skateboarding can help in losing weight as much as other exercises. Indoors and outdoors, skating is accessible to practically anyone. Plus, it is low-impact, so you will not strain your joints.

Skateboarding may be done for long durations without tiring, so you can burn more calories without overworking your body.

Skateboarding is great for your balance, as well as your coordination and your muscles. It is beneficial for overall fitness as well as for losing weight.

Skaters can do a wide variety of moves and styles, which helps to keep the sport exciting.


Overall, not only can skateboarding help you lose weight, but it is also a fun and challenging physical activity that helps you improve your balance and agility.

Be sure to stay safe while skating, and always listen to your body to make sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard.


Is skateboarding good for losing belly fat?

Does the skateboard have any benefits to losing weight? Skateboarding helps reduce stomach fat as well as reducing the fat on the body. Skating involves more than just exercise. And it involves skill. And you work the brain.

How much weight can I lose by skateboarding?

Taking skates every day will burn 2100 calories per week. Since the weight of one pound of fat contains 3,300 calories in stored energy a month, you should be losing a little to 1 pound a month according to exercise levels and metabolism.

How many calories does 40 minutes of skateboarding burn?

The average person burns 200-500 calories per 40 minutes of skateboarding.

How many calories does 45 minutes of skateboarding burn?

Generally, people burn between 250-575 calories during 45 minutes skating sessions.

Can you get in shape by skateboarding?

Indeed, sports scientists have proved that skateboarding is a great full-body exercise to lose weight in and of itself. It not only trains the cardiovascular system but also strengthens the muscles. A skateboarder’s core is really important.

Is skateboarding better than walking?

It depends on your personal preferences. However, skateboarders move between 6 and 13 miles per hour, with an average of 9.7. Skateboards can double or quadruple the distance humans can travel.

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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