Stickers on longboard: the ultimate guide

Stickers On Longboard: Best Guide & Recommendations Longboarding

Skateboard stickers are a fun and creative way to personalize your longboard and make it your own. From bold and bright graphics to subtle and understated designs, there are endless options to choose from. But how many stickers to use and where to put them on a longboard?

This article will explore the different options and considerations for placing stickers on longboards. These insights will help you get the most out of your stickers and make your longboard stand out.

stickers on longboard

What are skateboard stickers and their origins?

Skateboard stickers are small adhesive decals that are often used to decorate skateboards.

They can be used to show off a rider’s personality, interests, or brand loyalty, and are often used to make skateboards stand out from others.

They have a long history dating back to the 1980s when skateboarding first became popular.

In the early days of skateboarding, they were used to promote skateboard companies, small businesses, and events and were often given out as freebies at skate parks and competitions.

Today, skateboard stickers continue to be a popular way for skateboarders to show off their cool style and personality.

Advantages and drawbacks

Skateboard stickers are a popular way to personalize and customize your skateboards.

They come in a wide range of designs and can be used to represent your favorite logo, art, or teams of a skateboarder, or simply to add cool visual interest to your board.

However, like any accessory, there are pros and cons to using skateboard stickers.


  • Customization

One of the main benefits of board graphic art is that they allow you to fully customize the appearance of your deck.

You can choose from a wide range of brands to find the perfect match for your style.

  • Protection

Skateboard stickers can also help protect your board from scratches and wear and tear. This can be especially helpful if you’re using your skateboard for tricks or in rough terrain.

  • Representation

Skateboard stickers can be used to represent favorite brands, teams, or other affiliations of the skateboarder.

This can be a fun way to show your support or to connect with other skateboarders who share your interests.


  • Cost

Skateboard stickers can be expensive, especially if you’re buying multiple or high-quality brands. This can be a factor to consider if you’re on a budget.

  • Damage

Skateboard stickers can also potentially damage your skateboard if they’re not applied correctly.

If they aren’t properly adhered to the board, they can peel off or cause other damage.

  • Limited lifespan

Skateboard stickers can also have a limited lifespan, especially if they’re exposed to rough terrain or harsh weather conditions.

This can be frustrating if you’ve invested in high-quality products that you’d like to keep on your skateboards for a long time.

How can you apply stickers?

There are a few different methods you can use to apply stickers to your skateboard.

Here are some steps to consider:

  • Clean the surface

Before you apply anything, it’s important to make sure the surface of your deck is clean and dry. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris, and let the surface dry completely before proceeding.

  • Prepare the stickers

Some may need to be cut out or trimmed before you can apply them to your skateboard. Use a pair of scissors or a razor blade to carefully cut the sticker to the desired shape and size.

If you want to put them on wheels make sure that they are not too large, as they may interfere with the performance of the wheels. Or get special stickers for wheels.

  • Peel the backing

Once you have your decoration ready, gently peel away the backing paper.

Be careful not to crease or damage it as you do this.

  • Place the sticker

Align the sticker with the desired location on your board, whether it’s the graphic side, wheels, or the top of the board, and gently press it down.

Use a scraper or a credit card to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles.

  • Protect the stickers

To help ensure that your sticker stays in place, you can apply a layer of clear sealant or gloss varnish over the top. This will help protect it from wear and tear and make it less likely to peel or fade over time.

Decorating the grip tape on skateboards

It is even possible to decorate grip tape on a skateboard.

One way to do this is by using decals that are specifically designed for use on the grip tape. These are made of a durable, weather-resistant material that can withstand the wear and tear of skateboarding.

To apply them, you can simply peel off the backing and press it onto the grip tape.


Adding any type of decoration to grip tape may affect its performance and durability. If you’re concerned about maintaining the grip and traction of your skateboard, it may be best to leave the grip tape as is.

How can you remove stickers?

Proper removal is crucial if you want to keep your deck in good shape. Here are some steps to help you remove skateboard decoration:

  • Gather your tools

To remove skateboard stickers, you’ll need a few tools including a hair dryer, a plastic scraper or a credit card, and rubbing alcohol or goo is gone.

  • Heat the sticker

Start by heating the sticker with the hair dryer. This will help soften the adhesive and make it easier to remove.

  • Scrape the sticker

Once it is heated, use the plastic scraper or credit card to gently scrape the sticker off the skateboard.

Be sure to use a gentle scraping motion to avoid damaging the deck.

  • Clean the surface

Once the sticker is removed, use a damp cloth or paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol or goo went to clean the deck of the skateboard. This will help remove any remaining adhesive and prepare the surface for new decking.

  • Repeat as needed

If the sticker doesn’t come off easily or if there is a lot of adhesive left behind, you may need to repeat the process a few times to fully remove the sticker. Be patient and take your time to avoid damaging the board.

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Should I put stickers on my longboard?

It is up to personal preference whether or not to put stickers on longboards. Some people enjoy the customization and expression that graphic design provides, while others prefer the natural look of the wood.

Can you put stickers on the bottom of your skateboard?

It is possible to put stickers on the bottom of a skateboard, but it is not common. The bottom of the skateboard is usually left clear so that the art on the skateboarding deck is visible.

How can I decorate my skateboard with stickers?

Some people like to cover the entire deck with stickers, while others prefer to only add a few. It is also possible to mix and match different brands to create a cool look.

How do I make sure stickers stay on my skateboard?

To make sure stickers stay on a skateboard, it is important to clean the surface of the deck and ensure that it is dry before applying the stickers. It is also helpful to use stickers that are made specifically for skateboards, as these are more durable and less likely to peel off.

Do stickers damage wood?

Stickers can potentially damage the wood if they are not applied properly or if they are removed improperly. It is important to be gentle when applying and removing them to avoid damaging the wood.

Do stickers stay on wood?

Stickers can stay on wood if they are applied properly and if the wood surface is smooth and clean. It is also helpful to use stickers that are made specifically for wood surfaces.


In conclusion, skateboard stickers can add a personal touch and some style to your longboards, but it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks as well.

Make sure to choose high-quality ones that will stay in place, and be mindful of the potential for damage to the wood of the deck.

With careful consideration and proper application and removal techniques, you can successfully and safely add stickers to your skateboard.

Read More About Where To Put Stickers On A Skateboard 

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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