Tips on how to hold skateboard correctly

How to hold skateboard: Best Simple Tips 2023 Skateboarding

Just buying a skateboard, riding it a couple of times, and carrying it everywhere is not enough to look like an experienced skater.

A few simple tips will help you learn how to hold a skateboard like a skilled skater and how to skateboard like a pro.

Is there a right way to hold a skateboard?

Everything is individual and depends on the situation. It’s important to consider your constitution and the dimensions of the skateboard itself to properly hold a skateboard.

There are a few different ways to hold a skateboard correctly. Read and find a proper way, which is the most convenient and easiest for you.

Ways of holding skateboard properly

  • Mall Grab Way
  • Holding a skateboard by the nose
  • Holding with grip tape in
  • Holding with grip tape out
  • Holding on your one shoulder (both shoulders)
  • Pinching the skateboard
  • Skateboard Backpack

What is the most common way of holding a skateboard?

Grip tape grabbing

The most popular way to hold a skateboard properly is by holding it with grip tape inward or outward.

Hold a skateboard with the grip tape facing outward and metal skate trucks to your body at your hip level, with your arm stretched over the graphic facing while your fingers curled around gripping the board.

Note: The trucks and wheels may tear up your clothes, dirt your pants, and hurt you.

Hold your skateboard at your hip level with the grip tape facing your body and skate trucks outwards, your arm is stretched over the skateboard deck with fingers gripping the board.

Grip tape holding is one of the most popular ways to hold a skateboard. It’s suitable for beginner skaters and kids who start skating.

But, it doesn’t so matter if the grip tape faces inward or outward. It’s up to you!

What is a Grip Tape?

The grip tape is applied on the deck of a skateboard and holds it together. It’s used for gripping, and tracking and keeps your board from falling off. It also prevents the board from slipping during your ride.

When you hold a skateboard properly, the grip tape makes the skateboard safer. You can use the grip tape for the edges of the board where the trucks are situated.

Hold your skateboard by the nose

Another common way to hold a skateboard correctly is by the nose. You’d simply grab the nose of the board with one hand and hold it to your side.

This is an easy and convenient way to hold your skateboard, which you can use if you are walking somewhere. Take it up and carry your skateboard wherever you like.

Backward: you can use this way for short terms as it’s difficult carrying a skateboard for a long period. It can cause strain on your wrists and you’ll get tired soon or even get pain.

Hold your skateboard on one shoulder (two shoulders)

It’s a fun way to hold a skateboard on your shoulders, but also more secure and easy.

Grab one side of the board, and lift it so that the wheels are off the ground. Then place your board on one of your shoulders.

You can put your skateboard behind your head on both shoulders at a time keeping wheels and trucks facing forward. Put your hands behind the skateboard, grip the top edges, and hold it.

To hold a board on both shoulders you’ll feel comfortable unlike on one shoulder.

Pinching the skateboard

Another popular way to hold a skateboard is by pinching the skateboard deck in the center. Grip the board with your hand in the middle, and put your thumb on one side and your other fingers on the other.

Carry your skateboard while you can hold it as such gripping can be tiring on your hands and cause cramps.

What is Mall Grabbing a skateboard?

The most common method to hold and carry a skateboard is called a Mall Grab. Take your board by the trucks with the grip tape facing inward. You can hold or carry your board pretty long using this method.

But, Mall Grab leaves your board dangling low above the ground and weaving all the time. The tail can flap against stairs, or bordures while you are walking. Thus, you can damage your skateboard, and there could be splits in the tail and deck plies.

Besides, the grip tape rubs and snags on your clothes and spoil them.

The most dangerous of all is that the bolts can loosen during this carrying. That’s why always take skateboard tools with you to tighten the loose bolts.

Another issue is on trucks that attract dirt and rubbish that stick to them because of skate wax and gets on your hands and clothes when touching them.

How do you carry a skateboard on a backpack?

There are several ways to properly carry a skateboard in a backpack. Attach the skate to the rucksack with a strap (long enough) and carry it upright or on your side.

Don’t hold the backpack by the handle, as the trucks can scratch the back of the bag.

Better to put the skateboard directly in the backpack. The bag should be large enough so that the skateboard does not touch the ground and strong to protect the skateboard from damage.

The best option is to buy a backpack specially designed for carrying skateboards.

Skateboard backpacks

Buying a skateboard backpack is the best solution if you often have to carry it with you or if you want to protect your skateboard from damage as they are designed specifically for this purpose.

The main advantage of a backpack is that your hands are always free, and all the load if the skateboard is large and heavy, falls on your back, which facilitates your movement.

Among all the variety of designs and prices, you’ll be able to choose a backpack for yourself.

Pros of having a skateboard backpack

Wherever you walk, you can carry your skateboard with you.

You can protect your skateboard while walking.

Skateboard backpacks are spacy enough and can fit all your other equipment, like clothes, shoes, gadgets, and safety outfits.

It’s easier to walk everywhere with a skateboard backpack and not to worry about carrying it by hand, on your shoulders, or in a skateboard bag.

Backpacks are designed with straps and different-size compartments that can help you to organize everything you need.

The Indian water vessel technique

The funniest way of holding a skateboard is balancing the board on the top of your head with its grip tape facing down.

This proper way of holding your board leaves both hands free and you can do whatever you want.

Of course, this method requires certain skills. And if the board is big and heavy, not everyone will be able to use it.

What is a Penny Board?

Penny boards are popular among supporters of active rest, extreme kinds of sport, and ecological transport.

Penny boards (miniature plastic skateboards) are a little different from regular skateboards and board grip tape is usually not that strong.

The best way to hold it is to grip it with one hand near the trucks and hold onto the nose of the board with your other arm.

As a Penny board is smaller in size, you’ll be able to hold it just like the professionals hold full-sized skateboards. Also, you can change positions when you get tired of carrying them.

Even children can carry a Penny board and skating will be a great pleasure for them. Walking everywhere and carrying the Penny is more comfortable on one shoulder than on both shoulders.

How to pick up a skateboard on the move?

To pick up your skateboard on the move, you should bend down, grab the nose and quickly step off the board deck. Then pick it up and you can go.

You can also use a classic snap style. You need to put your lead foot on the tail, snap it and quickly catch the board by the nose.

If you have already been skateboarding, try an experienced snap style. Just put your lead foot on the nose and snap it, then try to catch the board quickly by the tail.

Some other styles

Scouse style – snap the tail, hook your foot underneath the board, and kick it into your hand.

Scouse twist – snap the tail, hook your foot underneath the board, and kick it with your heel, so the board flips over and you’ll catch it with your hand.

Direct mall style – when the board has already stopped, reach down and grab the board by the truck, step off the board quickly pulling it up with your hand and the grip tape facing you.

Advanced mall style – snap the tail, hook your foot underneath the board, and spin it into your hand.

Barrier bash – when you face a road barrier, kick your board at it, then catch it as it comes up and off the barrier.


Why do skaters bring their arms in?

When skateboarders bring their arms in, it creates a smaller shape of their bodies. That means that there is less air resistance when they move.

Why do skaters put their hands up?

Experienced skateboarders know how to change the position of their bodies to perform different tricks more effectively.
So, the put-up arms can help a skater to stretch out the body when they’re going to jumps. It maintains a more stable axis of the corpus.

How long does it take to get good at skateboarding?

It usually takes about a year to get good skills at skateboarding.
You can also learn some basic tricks by then. But if you want to skateboard like a pro and perform advanced tricks, it may take you up to 3 years. Everything depends on you and your persistence!


There are a lot of ways how to hold a skateboard correctly. You can grab your board with two arms or grip it just with your one arm holding it in the middle and carrying comparatively long.

Besides, you can change how you hold your board or change your hands periodically.

If you buy a backpack, you’ll be able to carry your board everywhere and have your hands free.

Moreover, by practicing a lot and trying one method after another, you’ll choose the best one for you and hold a skateboard properly.

By the way, you always have a great seat if you carry your skateboard everywhere with you. You can sit on your board at any place and stand up when you want. This also protects your wear from rubbish and dirt.

Read also: 13 easy skate tricks for beginners and 5 tips from professional skateboarders

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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