What are skateboard wheels made of and how to choose good models for skateboarding?

What are skateboard wheels made of - 3 top basic materials Skateboarding

Today, almost everyone has tried to ride a skateboard at least once. It’s really a very exciting activity, especially in hot or warm weather.

However, not everyone thinks about how much the quality of technologies and materials that create skateboards has increased.

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In this article, we will talk about what are skateboard wheels made of, which models were used before, their features, and their pros and cons, and also give some tips on choosing suitable rollers for a skate.

What are skateboard wheels made of?

The evolution of skate wheels has gone through several stages. Fortunately for us, we are seeing a significant improvement in the creation of wheels.

Metal skateboard wheel

The first material for the skateboard wheel was steel. The idea to use this material came from the use of metal in roller skates during this period.

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Unfortunately, the steel did not give good stability, which made skateboarding on rough surfaces hard and rough. Such a heavily controlled ride on a skateboard was a very dangerous and risky undertaking.

What can we say if even now people are injured when street skating due to accidental falls from a skate?

Clay skateboard wheel

Another idea was to replace metal with clay. This slightly improved the stability of the skate, but still did not make it perfect.

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Plus, it is worth noting that such materials wore out very quickly, leaving chips and deep scratches. At any moment, you could lose clay wheels and fall off the skate.

Polyurethane skateboard wheel

Fortunately for the skateboard wheel market, the first urethane wheel entered production in 1970 – skateboarding wheels made of synthetic rubber. Frank Nasworthy invented a new substance – urethane.

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Due to the unique properties of this substance, it is possible to ideally select and change the hardness of the material, as well as its mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties.

Today, almost 95% of all skate wheels are made of this substance.

For more than 50 years, specialists have been studying and improving the properties of polyurethane, trying to achieve an ideal composition.

Polyurethane is very durable. Indicators of durability, grip, and hardness of this substance allow skaters to feel safe on rough surfaces and control the movements of the skateboard decks.

There is one important disadvantage concerning the manufacturing process and the creation of such models.

The fact is that polyurethane requires a lot of chemical and thermal energy, and gases and substances released into the atmosphere during the process are very harmful to the environment.

The process of making polyurethane wheels

After we found out what are skateboard wheels made of, we will briefly tell you how the process of their manufacture takes place

The necessary chemical component foundation for this substance is mixed and heated in a special machine in certain proportions. The heating process goes on until the materials turn into a homogeneous liquid mass like caramel.

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After that, the mass is poured into molds and left for a while to solidify. The next step is cutting and grinding. This is an important point because in the process the polyurethane wheel acquires its final shape and dimensions.

Wheel sizes and types

As with the composition of polyurethane plastic, manufacturers are also experimenting with the thickness and diameter of models.

Wheel sizes

Most often, the dimensions of the models are measured in millimeters. Therefore, the average value of the wheels for a skate varies from 50 to 70 mm.

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Depending on the size of the model, the riding speed, maneuverability, and acceleration during the ride change.

For example, wider models allow you to go faster, but with a weak acceleration, and small ones, on the contrary, reduce the speed of the trip, but accelerate over a short distance.

Depending on the size, there are three main groups of models:

50-53 mm: Suitable for people who can stand on a board, and for performing any tricks.

54-59 mm: Suitable for beginner skaters and teenagers to get used to standing on the board, and keeping low riding speed for short distances and bumpy ride.

60 mm or more: Serve as transport. On such models, you can ride long distances at a moderate speed.

Sharp lip and around lip

There are two types of wheels: with a sharp lip and around:

The sharp lip provides clearer control of the board on turns, a smoother ride, and great traction. Just for cruise trips.

Around lip is best for slide-surfing, powerslides, and other tricks in skate parks.

The color of the polyurethane skateboard wheels

It would seem, what is the difference between the red and green color of the wheel? In fact, there is no difference, but there is still a difference between “pure” polyurethane and painted.

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The properties of polyurethane vary slightly depending on the number of pigments added. Yes, the difference is almost imperceptible, but for the overall development, it will be useful for you to know about it.

Based on this information, it can also be observed that some manufacturers dilute polyurethane with other substances in order to save on production.

Is there a difference in the durometer measures of the urethane wheel?

The Shore durometer measures the hardness of a material, typically of polymers. Fortunately, we do not need to use this device in order to choose the best wheels for a skate. Manufacturers always indicate this characteristic of the wheel on their websites.

Firstly, there are two scales for measuring the hardness of a skating wheel. Scale A and Scale B. The difference between the scales is only in the value of the number, almost like between Celsius and Kelvin. For example, 40 points on the A scale equals 20 points on the B scale.

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Secondly, the higher the number of points on the scale, the harder the wheel. For example, a 40-point wheel is harder than a 20-point wheel.

According to statistics, soft wheels provide more grip, more traction less vibration, and noise and spin slower.

Harder wheels provide higher speed, less grip, less traction more vibration, and more noise.

78a-87a: The wheels are suitable for a bumpy ride on uneven surfaces.

88a-95a: The speed of the wheel is faster, and the vibration of the wheel is faster, so such wheels are well suited for descending mountains and slopes.

96a-99a: Hard skateboard wheels are durable and suitable for a smoother ride in skate parks.

100a+: Harder wheels are less manageable, but faster and stronger than the previous ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

After we have decided on what are skateboard wheels made of, all the nuances and features of urethane wheels for a skateboard, we can answer the most important questions:

Are skateboard wheels plastic?

Now, for the manufacture of the better wheel, producers use plastic, which is also called urethane. However, manufacturers often experiment with the composition of this material to achieve better sliding, durability, and stability.

What are street skateboard wheels made of?

Today, Almost all skateboard wheels consist of two types of polyurethane. Diisocyanates, which make the best material for a better wheel, and polyols.

These materials are very elastic, easily return to their original shape when deformed, are moisture-resistant, and are protected from temperature changes.

What were skateboard wheels made of before urethane?

Before using polyurethane wheels, they were made of metal and clay, however, the number of disadvantages and problems that arise during street skating on metal or clay wheels, there was a huge risk of suffering from an accidental fall from a skate.

Why are skateboard wheels made of polyurethane?

Polyurethane is the most relevant and versatile material for creating wheels at the moment. Despite its relatively long-standing discovery, experts are improving its properties and composition every time.

The only disadvantage is that during its manufacture substances and gases harmful to people and nature are released into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect.

What is the best material for skate wheels?

Polyurethane wheels are the best option for skateboarding.

The properties of this substance, ideal in many respects, allow you to feel stable on the board, quickly gain speed, and maneuver without worrying that the wheels will accidentally break. The elasticity of polyurethane wheels has better grip and durability.

What hardness are skateboard wheels?

Depending on the values, the skate wheels are divided into several groups (78 a-87 a, 88 a-95a, 96a-99a, 100a+). Hard wheels provide higher speed, less grip, more vibration, and more noise.

What are soft skateboard wheels made of?

The soft skate wheels are made of the same materials as most other models. The difference is only in the hardness of the wheel. Soft wheels provide more grip, less vibration, and noise and spin slower.

What are cheap skateboard wheels made of?

Cheap skateboards are made of low-quality materials. Manufacturers can add cheap components by diluting the composition of the substance to save on production. Because of this, the wheels are less efficient and have low-performance indicators.

Are rubber or plastic wheels better?

Polyurethane plastic is the best material for making skate wheels at the moment due to its elasticity and durability. The main thing is to choose the models for the skate correctly, based on your preferences and desires.

Are skateboard wheels made of gum?

Currently, almost all skateboard wheels are made of polyurethane.

However, some of them are better than others depending on the requirements, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. They affect the speed of driving, the ability to turn, comfort, and durability. Wonder When To Replace Skateboard Wheels, read

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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Skateboard Aesthetic
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  1. Chris

    Thank you so much for your article, it really helps me to choose good models for skateboarding!
