What is skateboard wax for? How to make it home?

What Is Skateboard Wax For: Best Helpful Tips & Review Beginner Guide

The term “skateboard wax” refers to a kind of skate wax that is used to coat a surface, such as a handrail or a ledge, in order to make it easier to skate on that surface.

A Skateboard wax may be required to grind a surface in some circumstances due to the fact that the surface friction of the ledge may prevent the board from grinding.

When traveling over a cliff, there is always a remote possibility that you may experience a harsh turn. Why? Your board’s speed may be slowed down by any component that comes into contact with the riding place and creates friction.

A material that is placed over a surface for grinding is known as skateboard wax. The majority of skateboarders will slide their decks down rails or solid ledges since these are the most common types of surfaces. What is the result? The grinds are as smooth as butter.

Is there anything else quite like skateboard wax? Yes. Even while other waxes could also be useful, the results that you get from using them might not be as satisfying. Therefore, we ought to be grateful to skateboard firms for manufacturing these things rather than forcing us to skateboard with candle wax.

The vast majority of store-bought skateboard waxes are quite serviceable, however, the majority of skate companies produce their own skate wax.

Wax for your skateboard bearings is something you will only need if you plan on doing grind or slide tricks with your board. In this approach, most novices don’t really require skateboard wax, except maybe they are learning slappies or their first grinds.

In these cases, though, skateboard wax is necessary.

skateboard wax

What exactly is the function of skate wax?

Why do you need skateboard wax? Skateboard wax, in its most basic form, transforms almost any surface into a skateable one.

Due to the fact that it is simple to implement, there is no need to fight over how to utilize it.

Here are a few other places where you can rub wax.

  • Metal edges
  • Ledges
  • Street curbs
  • Handrails Skateboard components

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What Constitutes Skating Wax, Exactly?

Candle wax is composed of a series of hydrocarbons, however, going into that level of detail would be beyond the scope of this article.

A skate wax used for skateboarding is often composed of paraffin wax or beeswax, both of which are also frequently used in the production of candles.

This is the stuff that skate wax of a reputable brand is composed of. Melted Wax paraffin is a soft solid that is colorless and odorless. It may be made from petroleum, coal, or cooking oil shale.

Bees are responsible for the production of a natural skate wax compound known as beeswax. Candle wax or crayon made of paraffin wax may be melted down and combined to create your own skate.

Because crayons are often composed of paraffin wax, using them as a substitute for skate wax may be surprisingly effective. The qualities of being soft, spreadable, and lubricating paraffin wax have made it a valuable commodity.

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The formula for Skating Wax

Skating wax may easily be made at home, and the process is fairly straightforward. There are just a few of the components required.

Candles made using paraffin wax and/or crayons

1 teaspoon of vegetable or canola oil

From this point forward, all that is required of you is to break up the wax candles or crayons into tiny pieces, melt the wax in the oven melt or on the stovetop, and then mix with a very little quantity of vegetable oil.

After that, transfer the molten wax to the container of your choosing and wait for it to set.

The melting of the wax should be done over a low heat, but other than that, this is a pretty easy method to follow. So start cooking wax makers!

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Where Should You Apply Wax on Your Skateboard?

Skateboard wax may be applied on the bottoms of boards in addition to the surf wax that will be utilized for grinding and sliding.

To apply some, you just need to massage it into the surf wax you want to execute tricks on, as well as the bottom of your board. The more skate wax you apply, the slipperier you will become (and the same goes for your board).

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How do you use a wax board for the first time?

Skate wax is a commodity that is difficult to come by, and as a result, purchasing it on a consistent basis may be expensive.

You have a few different options to choose from if you want to design your own. The following are the steps that need to be taken in order to make use of any candles or crayons that you do not want:

1. Set your oven’s temperature to 150 degrees

Please let your oven at least five to ten minutes to preheat up. It is important to maintain the oven temperature below 150-180 degrees Fahrenheit, since the melting point of most wax melt is rather low.

2. Prepare your supplies

Take out all of the paper and wicks. You’ll also need some veggie or olive oil. Gather any old crayons or candles that aren’t being used (preferably ones that are damaged or otherwise unusable) and, if required, splinter them into smaller pieces.

3. Place your wax fragments in a container that can be heated in the oven. Apply skate wax on the skateboard bearings

It is essential that the container you choose is capable of accommodating the wax as it melts. Pyrex bowls and other oven-safe glass bowls are perfect for use as wax melting containers due to their heat resistance.

4. Add some oil

For the skateboard wax, include one teaspoon of either olive or vegetable oil. Because of this, the wax will become more malleable, and you will have an easier time applying it to your board.

If you add more than a teaspoon, your wax will become unworkable since it will become too soft.

5. Preheat the oven and place the wax inside.

Melt your mixture. It should take around 10 minutes to complete this task. While the skateboard wax is melting, you need to keep a close watch on it to ensure that it does not catch fire.

After it has been melted, take the skateboard wax from the oven and place it in the refrigerator so that it may solidify. It is now possible for you to take the skateboard wax out of the container and apply it to the surf wax that you want to be smoothed.

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How Can I Remove Skateboard Wax From My Board?

If we already know how to put on skateboarding wax, we ought to also be able to learn how to take it off.

When you have applied too much skate wax, which makes the skating location dangerous, you will need to remove it so that you may continue your skating.

Keeping this in mind, the following is a list of the methods required to remove skateboard wax.

For the first stage of skate wax removal, you should have a wax-removing instrument ready, such as a scraper, card, or razor.

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For the last step, you’ll need a scouring pad or a brush with very stiff bristles

Remove the skate wax from the skating surf wax by using your scraper or any instrument that serves the same purpose.

It is necessary to do this process once more with the brush or the scouring pad.

A helpful tip: using heat from a torch might make it easier to remove skate wax.

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Should you wax your trucks skateboard?

You do not apply skate wax directly to the board itself; rather, you apply it to the ledge, rail, or curb wax that you wish to grind or slide on.

Wax helps fill the gaps that are present on rougher surfaces, making it easier for your trucks or board to move smoothly.

Where do you put the wax on a skateboard?

You are going to need a skate wax that not only protects your board but also keeps it gliding as smoothly as possible.

This is true regardless of whether you are getting into tricks for the first time or purchasing your first board.

Why do skaters wax their boards?

The use of skateboard wax is analogous to putting on sunscreen before heading out for a skate ride.

On the other hand, its purpose is not to shield our skin from damage but rather to render skate surfaces smooth while yet allowing for some slipping. Make sure there is no dust on the surface you will be sliding or grinding on before applying skateboard wax.

How long does skate wax last?

Street skateboarders often carry a block of wax with them, which is rubbed over the surface to be used for a trick in order to get it ready for it.

When grinding or sliding stunts are attempted, the wax is helpful in lowering the amount of friction that occurs between the surfaces of the two materials.

Can you use butter as skate wax? Best skateboard wax alternatives

Skate wax is a product that many people use, although some choose to utilize alternatives. Soap is a good substitute, even items like deodorant help.

Make the most efficient use possible of butter (not vegetable or olive oil, or cooking oil).

What do you add to skate wax?

Because more beeswax will lead the mixture to become overly soft, the optimal ratio to use is one that consists of 60 percent paraffin and 40 percent beeswax.

The wax should be heated in a saucepan on the stove with the burner set at a setting between low melting point and medium. Allow the skateboard wax to melt while constantly swirling it to prevent it from catching fire.


Skateboard rides are always enjoyable provided that the rider has all of the necessary pieces of equipment, components, and friends.

Skate waxes are one example of an accessory or addition that may be helpful in making skating a more interesting activity. Of course, we can’t discount the value of such assistance.

So, what is skateboard waxes? It is a compound that is put to skate surfaces in order to produce grinding and sliding of the highest quality. Either you may make it at home using common household items or you can purchase it already made.

Aside from the procedure for applying it, make sure you remember how to use it and remove it, and you will develop into a responsible skateboarder. You can also start buying skateboard wax in the stores.

Read More About What is Skateboard Wax?

Hi all. My name is George Lanham and I am 21 years old. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 10 years old. I studied this for many years, so I have something to share with you!

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